• There are 3 opportunities for Grace Evan to serve as evangelists for the Christian Mobile Dental Clinic in April. Timeframe is 8:15 - noon each day.  You can contact MIT Leader Steve Smith to sign up by email or cell:
    slsmith47@comcast.net or 901-827-5098

    April 8 & 9 - Bethel COGIC
    2216 Clifton Ave 38127

    April 10 & 11 - Miracle of Redemption
    3573 Orchi Rd. 38108

    April 15-16 Westhaven Comm. Church
    4149 Boeingshire Dr. 38116

  • The Grace Venture Challenge began in 2003 and is a call on our GEC congregation to “Live more simply, give more sacrificially, & accomplish the Great Commission.”

    Click Here to learn more

    See 20 Years of Grace Venture Outcomes

    Grace Venture 20 Years Video

  • 1. We believe the mission of the church is to glorify God by going into all the world to preach the gospel and plant healthy churches where disciples worship God, obey Christ’s commands, and grow to maturity.

    2. We believe the gospel is the power of God for salvation; our task is to represent Christ by faithfully and verbally proclaiming God’s Word to the world.

    3. We believe the Bible is sufficient, authoritative, and relevant for this core missionary task, providing both the message and method for our mission.

    4. We believe God is sovereign in salvation; we rely on the Holy Spirit to convict and regenerate all whom the Father has chosen, graciously bringing them to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

    5. We believe God’s Word and Christ's Lordship connect with and confront all human cultures; we seek to communicate the gospel in contextually appropriate ways and in diverse languages without fundamentally altering its content.

    6. We believe healthy local churches are needed in every community; therefore, we strive to reach new peoples and places with the gospel while also strengthening churches and leaders where health is lacking.

    7. We believe the church is the primary means of obeying the Great Commission among the nations as local churches identify, train, send, and support qualified missionaries.

    8. We believe making disciples is normally a slow process that requires patience as believers grow to maturity in Christ through the ordinary means of grace in the context of a local church.

    9. We believe planting and strengthening churches necessarily includes the work of identifying and training qualified, well-taught, reproducing local leaders.

    10. We believe our mission should be carried out through gospel partnerships by cooperating and collaborating with faithful Christians throughout the global church.

  • Ministry Initiative Teams (MIT’S) are the engine behind the mobilization of Grace Evan to our city, our nation, and to the ends of the earth. MIT’s are led by Grace Evan members who are accountable to the Grace Venture Strategy Committee.

    Check out our MIT DIRECTORY to learn what MIT’s are doing and to make contact with the MIT leaders.

    Want to get involved? Start an MIT? Need MIT resources? Start here

  • Your faithful giving to Grace Evan and Grace Venture go to support 47 ministries that are vetted and approved by the Grace Venture Strategy Committee.

    Our strategy of monthly giving is broken down into 3 categories: Church Establishing Ministries, Church Responsibility Ministries, & Church Ancillary Ministries. We also have Special Project Ministries that we support.

    Click here to see our GEC Supported Ministries

  • One of our disctict values as a church is to use our resources to reach unreached people groups. Did you know that there are 17,281 distinct people groups in the world today? 7,246 of those are considered unreached. That’s 41.9% of the world’s people groups! Only 1% of missions giving and 3% of missionaries go to the unreached! Click the links below to learn more and how to pray.


    Joshua Project

    Operation World

  • Uganda Mission Trip - April 4-13, 2025

    Czech Republic Mission Trip - July 20-26, 2025

    Operation Christmas Child - August 2

    2025 Missions Conference - October 1-5

    Taste of Grace - October 4

    Christmas Food Boxes - December 13

    A French Christmas - December 13

    Contact Justin McCain to inquire about any of these 2025 mission trips, MIT’s, or service opportunities. justin@graceevan.org

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