What exactly is a Ministry Initiative Team (MIT)?

MIT’s are the Engine behind Grace Evan's mobilization of the church & Proclamation of the Gospel to our City, Nations, & Ends of the Earth.

MIT’s are designed to send and fund Grace Evan’ers to be missionaries to their neighborhoods, city, nation, & world. Each MIT has leader/s that are members of Grace Evan. A MIT Team Player is anyone involved in an MIT ministry project/trip at least once, but a MIT Team Player does not have to be a member of Grace Evan. Each MIT provides mission projects, relational ministry, and/or trips that the Grace Evan congregation can participate in. Each MIT visits the Grace Venture Strategy Committee at least once per year to give ministry updates & to ask for funding/budgets for the coming year.

Most (but not all) MITs serve alongside one or more of Grace Evan’s vetted & approved MONTHLY SUPPORTED MINISTRIES