Grace OnLine (GOL) is an interactive email discussion list for members of Grace Evangelical Church and current regular attenders. Grace OnLine (GOL) allows you to stay in touch with others from Grace via email. We share prayer requests, discuss topics, ask questions about activities at Grace and share information with each other about Christian-related items and sites on the Internet. Our motto is "If you can discuss it in the halls of Grace Evan, you may discuss it on Grace OnLine." 

If this sounds interesting to you, then you may join Grace OnLine (GOL) by sending an email to    You will receive an automatic email reply from Google Groups.  Please follow the instructions in that email to join GOL.

Alternatively, if you have a Google account or Gmail address, you may join GOL by visiting the GOL site on Google Groups at and signing in with your Google account or Gmail address.  If you do not already have a Google account or Gmail account, you can create one from there by selecting the "Sign in" link and then selecting "Create an account".

Please note that Grace OnLine (GOL) is only for members or regular attenders of Grace Evangelical Church.  If your status changes we must remove you from GOL.

If you have additional questions, you may contact the GOL Moderators by email at

If you are already subscribed to Grace OnLine (GOL), you may send an email to everyone on GOL by sending your email to: