Sat 3/15 - Fields are closed due to inclement weather, all practices canceled.
We need YOU! Register to be a G.M.V. and we’ll find a spot for you!
If Jim can do it, so can YOU! Sign up today and we’ll find a spot. Whether it’s 1 Saturday or all season long - we need you to help make this ministry a success!
Gameday Ministry Opportunities include:
- Grace Grill
- Golf Cart Drivers
- Devotion Presenters
- Scorekeepers
- Officiating And More! We’ll find a spot for YOU!
From the Crosscheck Hoop Summit through the season, we’ve got an opportunity for you to help us have a successful gameday!
Gameday Ministry Volunteer Opportunities for Football Season: Lobby Attendant, Scorekeeper, Devotion Presenter and more - click here!
the most important
5 minuteS OF EVERY game
Devotionals are without a doubt the most important part of each game that is played and it’s an excellent opportunity for you to get plugged in as a GMV! Whether it’s one time or all season long, we would love to talk with you about helping out in this way and will work around your schedule.
Listen to Ross describe what it’s like to present the devotional and why it means so much.

More than a phrase... it’s a MINDSET!
Grace Athletics is unapologetically Christ-centered in all that we do and say.
Grace Athletics will preach & teach the gospel to all players, coaches, & parents.
Grace Athletics wants to reach all of Memphis with the hope of Jesus by serving everyone regardless of faith, ethnicity, or athletic ability.
Grace Athletics desires to disciple our coaches, officials, players, & parents with a Biblical perspective of sports & competition.
Our Coach’s Bible Study is currently on hold, but we would love to connect with you and help in any way we can. Please send us an email at Russell@graceevan.org and we will follow up with more details.
We would love for you to join us during one of our pick-up basketball times on Monday and Wednesday from 9:30-11:30.
Limited to 15 people per session. Spots are guaranteed on a first-come-first-serve basis!
Every last Wednesday of the month after our basketball session, we will have a meal and hear a short message from God’s Word designed to encourage you and point you to Him. We hope you’ll stick around for that time!
If you have any questions or need anything from our staff please call us at 901-756-7136.
Fall - Instructional Soccer for 4-7 Year Olds
Winter - Instructional Basketball (4-7 Year Olds), ESCRA Recreational Basketball (1st - 12th Grade)
Spring - Grace Athletics Recreational T-Ball & Baseball
Summer - Sports Camp
Contact Jake Randolph for more details
Fall - Flag Football & Cheer (K-6th Grade)
Winter - Basketball (1st-6th Grade)
Contact Mike Carroll for more details