Reaching an unchurched world through maturing Christians.


TRUTH (2 Tim 3:16; James 1:22) The primary way that God establishes his rule is the teaching and applying of the inspired Word of God.

LOFTY VIEW OF GOD (Isa. 6) we value a hunger for God; this hunger prompts in us:  

  1. Holy living with a hatred of sin and the love of righteousness.  

  2. A demand for excellence in all we do.

  3. An increasing involvement in private and corporate worship

FREEDOM IN CHRIST (2 Cor. 3:17) Loyalty, not to man, but to Christ; our ethic is found in emulating Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.

THE BIBLICAL FAMILY UNIT (Eph. 6:1-4) Our ministry is designed to strengthen the family, not undercut it; we are eager to define aright the biblical role of male leadership.

THE BLESSINGS AND DEMANDS OF BEING IN THE COVENANT COMMUNITY (Acts 2:42-47) The great privileges of being in family-like relationships demands a stewarding of our spiritual gifts, our time and our resources.

SMALL GROUPS (Acts 20:20- Mark 3:14) Our primary vehicle of discipleship is small groups of up to 15- 17 people where accountability is fostered.


  • The divine creation of man and the universe... "ex nihilo"

  • The verbal, plenary inspiration of the Word of God and its consequent, absolute, authority.

  • The historical fall of man, his moral depravity, and his need of regeneration.

  • The virgin birth of Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of Man, and his preexistence as God, the Son.

  • The atoning work of Jesus Christ as the only ground of justifying sinners.

  • The personality of the divine Holy Spirit, who is the seal and witness of salvation, taking up residence in the believer.

  • Justification by faith alone.

  • The eternal punishment of all who reject the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • The resurrection of the body, both of the just and the unjust.

  • The personal, physical return of our Lord Jesus, establishing his kingdom, the "new heaven and the new earth," wherein he will reign forever.