Grace Venture Missional Structure


Grace Venture Strategy Committee

This committee will meet at least twice per month with additional meetings if necessary. The two main objectives of this body are to establish strategy, one-time giving, & MIT oversight. With three Ezone Elders sitting on the committee, it is anticipated that a smooth flow of information will develop between the Session (policy making body) and the Grace Venture Strategy Committee (strategic and oversight body).

This 17 person committee will be made up of the following:
E-zone Elders - 3
Pastor - 1
Staff - 1
Lay People - 12

Depending upon Elder assignments and length of serving on the session, the actual E-zone Elders serving on the Grace Venture Strategy Committee (GVSC) may change each year.  The commitment for Lay People will be for 3 years.  After serving and rotating off for 1 year, an individual may serve on this committee again.  An individual serving as an MIT leader may not serve on the GVSC.  A Grace Evangelical Church member who is a monthly supported missionary may not serve on the GVSC.

Each year, 4 lay people will rotate off the Grace Venture Strategy Committee (GVSC) and 4 new Lay People will rotate on.  The yearly selection of lay people for the GVSC will be approved by the session.  The Pastor of Missions will poll the Sr. Pastor, ministerial staff and GVSC for suggested Grace Evangelical Church members to serve.  These names will be submitted to the session for approval in the fall of each year.  A term will begin in January and continue for 3 years.  Each member of the GVSC will vote on all decisions.  A majority of the GVSC members with at least 2 of the 3 elders will constitute a quorum, and a quorum is required for the conducting of business (i.e. 9 members minimum with 2 of the 9 being elders).


2023 GVSC Members

Justin McCain, Pastor
Greg Dickinson, Elder
Ross Braithwait, Elder
David Schay, Elder
David Ward
Bill West
Mitchell Marino
Gavin Turner
Sandy Federico
Brad Godwin
Becky Kerstell
Erin Hardison
Ashley Austell
Jim DiLorio
John Barton
Stephanie Braithwait

In order to serve on the Grace Venture Strategy Committee must be a member of Grace Evangelical Church and approved by the Session of Elders.