Grace Venture Challenge Objectives


Live More Simply

In our suburban context, one of the greatest challenges to spiritual growth is the demands of affluence, money, & wants. These demands generate distractions and busyness which will erode spiritual life. The Grace Venture Challenge calls the congregation to purposeful living by replacing the demands of affluence, money, and wants with the demands and privelage of serving God.

Give More Sacrificially

Since the spiritual discipline of giving frees us from the tyranny of affluence, the Grace Venture Challenge calls the congregation of Grace Evan to purposeful habits of giving money and time to God instead of to personal consumption. The more money & time we give to mission and the less we consume will result in a healthier spiritual life, habits, and peace. The Grace Venture Fund is designed to be a place to not only be more generous with your resources but also a place that you can be confident your dollars are being used intentionally and prayerfully through a missional strategy.

Accomplish the Great Commission

Since Jesus Christ tasked us with discipling all the nations (Matt. 28:19), the Grace Venture Challenge calls the congregation of Grace Evan to participate in the Great Commission. Instead of living for consumption and getting more stuff, let us live for proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth by giving more to Grace Evan/Grace Venture, serving /starting MIT’s, going on mission trips with our partners, and using our gifts for the glory of King Jesus.

How does the GVC foster a culture change in the congregation?


The Ministry of Prayer

The staff, elders, GV Strategy Committee and Ministry Initiative Team leaders must commit to regularly pray for the Holy Spirit to infect our congregation with an increasing spiritual maturity via the Grace Venture Challenge.

The Ministry of the Word

Utilize our preaching & teaching venues, Grace Groups, Men’s & Women’s Ministry, etc to encourage our congregation to renew their thinking toward their gifts, purpose, time, money & joy.

The Ministry of Mobilization

To give money and invest time in Kingdom activities must be fostered and communicated to the congregation on a regular basis. We continue to innovate ways to challenge to congregation to get involved with our vetted & approved monthly supported ministries & MIT’s.