Grace Evan Missional Funding Sources
There are two existing mission funding sources:
Ten percent of every dollar given to Grace Evan will be designated to the “Mission Support Fund”
Sacrificial giving above and beyond regular tithes will be designated to the “Grace Venture Fund”
Grace Venture Decisions & Allocations
The Grace Venture Strategy Committee will have oversight regarding how the two funding sources are allocated based upon the following principles:
Maintaining Monthly Commitments.
For the missionaries/ministries we have committed to financially support on a monthly basis, we strive to maintain this obligation by keeping an approximate 3 months reserve in our mission support fund.
Congregational Involvement.
Grace Venture is not merely a grant writing body, rather this is a cultural change within our congregation whereby our people own the Great Commission and make disciples.
Theologically Conforms to GEC.
Theologically, any partnership GEC has with a missionary/ministry must agree on doctrinal essentials. Additionally, GEC is part of the Church and any partnership must further the mission of the church.